A connection to your spiritual support team can certainly help
take the questions out of life and act as a lantern on a dark
night. The wisdom offered by Spirit and those who are
assigned to oversee your care while here in this realm can
give a clarity to you that will make it feel like the sun has just
risen over the horizon and your pathway is lit with light.
Sessions with Spirit can be both direction and validation.
It can be as a road map to those places you didn't know you
would travel to or to that familiar road home. Spiritual insight
from the realm of Spirit is truly a wonderful GPS!
Let Rose Campbell use her 30+ years of experience with
clairaudiently connecting to Spirit to offer you the words of
those who know you, care for you, and are charged with
your well-being.
Rose works in a variety of ways: public channeling forums,
lectures, classes, private sessions done face-to-face or via
remote sessions, and she even offers Sessions with Spirit
gatherings where the host/hostess can have a free session.
Rose can connect you for guidance in (but not limited to)
these arenas:
*Core Natures
*Life Path Directions
*Relationship Interconnections
*Mind/Body/Spirit Disease Interaction
Follow the navigation links (dark blue) at top left for details
and to see all that Sessions with Spirit is about!
Visit the links in white for other great sites!
Sovereign Quarter -- Kevin MacLeod